Martina started to pursue her legal career as a teenager and has not changed her mind ever since. She has been an active attorney since 2004.
For many years Martina had been focusing mainly on public procurement law but after maternity leave she found more interest in private law.
„Everyone needs something to keep pushing them forward professionally. For me, it has always been the desire for truth and justice.“
On the other hand, Martina has no problems appreciating true value of relaxing, especially during long walks in the nature or listening to her favourite tunes. Quality food, wine and mainly her son Ondra are the crucial sources of her optimism.
Before Ondřej became an attorney, he had been gaining professional experience in courts and court bailiff’s office.
He has been a proud scout since young age, which substantially reflects in his attitude to work in a law firm.
„Taking good care of my clients and their needs is essential for me. I need to know that my work has positive impacts – I simply like when things make sense.“
Ondřej is the kind of person who hates pointlessly wasting his free time. But when things are too much to take sometimes, he does not hesitate to slow down for a while and watch a good movie or listen to some quality music.
„I learned that even an unpleasant dispute can be settled with grace. Smile is not that expensive, right?“ Positive atmosphere in the team is very important to Míša.
Life may be unpredictable sometimes. Even though law cannot be used to tell the future, it can be used to make you well prepared for it.
Justice is important for me and I will gladly help you seek it.
Adam always seeks to find a solution from which all the parties would benefit. However, when things get tough, Adam will fight for the right result until the very end.
Law affirmed me in my view that justice is worth fighting for.
Everything goes better with a cool head.
Ivo will always be a member of our team.
Odměna za právní služby se řídí advokátním tarifem (vyhláška Ministerstva spravedlnosti č. 177/1996 Sb.), není-li sjednána dohodou klienta a advokáta odlišně.
Mgr. Martina Slaninová, advokátka, IČ: 71330615, Na Rokytce 1081/8, 18000 Praha
Mgr. Ondřej Vokál, advokát, IČ: 06239013, Na Rokytce 1081/8, 18000 Praha
Česká advokátní komora byla dne 5.2.2016 pověřena Ministerstvem průmyslu a obchodu ČR mimosoudním řešením spotřebitelských sporů pro oblast sporů mezi advokátem a spotřebitelem ze Smluv o poskytování právních služeb ( na základě zákona č. 634/1992 Sb., o ochraně spotřebitele ve znění pozdějších předpisů). Internetová stránka tohoto pověřeného subjektu je Česká advokátní komora je smírčím orgánem ve sporech mezi spotřebitelem a advokátem.
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